Prsa Lab, Uni Fribourg


Lee K-S, Loutit A, de Thomas Wagner D, Sanders M, Prsa M and Huber D. Transformation of neural coding for vibrotactile stimuli along the ascending somatosensory pathway bioRxiv, 2023

Alonso I*, Scheer I*, Palacio-Manzano M, Frezel-Jacob N, Philippides A and Prsa M. Peripersonal encoding of forelimb proprioception in the mouse somatosensory cortex Nature Communications, 2023

Prsa M, Kilicel D, Nourizonoz A, Lee KS and Huber D. A common computational principle for vibro-tactile pitch perception in mouse and human. Nature Communications, 2021

Ho CLA*, Zimmermann R*, Weidinger JDF, Prsa M, Schottdorf M, Merlin S, Okamoto T, Ikezoe K, Pifferi F, Aujard F, Angelucci A, Wolf F and Huber D. Orientation preference maps in Microcebus Murinus reveal size-invariant design principles in primate visual cortex Current Biology, 2020.

Prsa M, Morandell K, Cuenu G and Huber D. Feature selective encoding of substrate vibrations in the forelimb somatosensory cortex. Nature, 2019.

Yuzgec O*, Prsa M*, Zimmermann R* and Huber D. Pupil size coupling to cortical states protects the stability of deep sleep via parasympathetic modulation. Current Biology, 2018.

Kaliuzhna M*, Gale S*, Prsa M, Maire R and Blanke O. Optimal visuo-vestibular integration for self-motion perception in patients with unilateral vestibular loss. Neuropsychologia, 2018.

Prsa M, Galinanes GL and Huber D. Rapid integration of artificial sensory feedback during operant conditioning of motor cortex neurons. Neuron, 2017.

Gale S, Prsa M, Schruger A, Gay A, Paillard A, Herbelin B, Guyot JP, Lopez C and Blanke O. Oscillatory neural responses evoked by natural vestibular stimuli in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2016.

Prsa M, Jimenez-Rezende D and Blanke O. Inference of perceptual priors from path dynamics of passive self-motion. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015.

Kaliuzhna M, Prsa M, Gale S, Lee SJ and Blanke O. Learning to integrate contradictory multisensory self-motion cue pairings. Journal of Vision, 2015.

Prsa M, Gale S and Blanke O. Self-motion leads to mandatory cue fusion acrosssensory modalities. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2012

Prsa M and Thier P. The cerebellum: eye movements. In: Neuroscience in the 21stCentury, from Basic to Clinical, edited by Pfaff DW. Springer Verlag, 2012.

Prsa M and Thier P. The role of the cerebellum in saccadic adaptation as a window into neural mechanisms of motor learning. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2011.

Prsa M, Dicke PW and Thier P. The absence of eye muscle fatigue indicates that thenervous system compensates for non-motor disturbances of oculomotor function. Journal of Neuroscience, 2010.

Prsa M, Dash S, Catz N, Dicke PW and Thier P. Characteristics of responses of Golgi cells and mossy fibers to eye saccades and saccadic adaptation recorded from the posterior vermis of the cerebellum. Journal of Neuroscience, 2009.

Prsa M. Optimizing Gaze Shift Models. VDM Verlag, 2008.

Prsa M and Galiana HL. Visual-vestibular interaction hypothesis for the control oforienting gaze shifts by brain stem omnipause neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2007.

Illustrations and design by Mario Prsa.